Thursday 4 November 2010

Bill Clinton Remembers Yitzhak Rabin

The Herald Tribune features today an interesting piece about former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin by the former US president Bill Clinton. Clinton explores and appraises the work of Rabin. He also writes optimisticly of the current situation facing Israel:

"Israel has its best partner ever in the Palestinian government on the West Bank led by President Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, with its proven ability to provide security and economic development. The peace alliance put together by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia offers Israel full political recognition and the prospect of security and economic cooperation with a host of Arab and other Muslim nations in exchange for an agreement. And many Arab states are engaged in their own economic and social modernization efforts, which prove they are ready to let go of past differences and eager to reap the possibilities of cooperation with Israel."

The article can be read in full here:

1 comment:

  1. Yet another case of magical thinking. Clinton is naive. The Hamas Charter and even the revamped Fatah Charter (August 2009) sets out the objective: to claim all Israel as Arab Palestinian land. Fatah is a reverse acronym of the Arabic, Harekat at-Tahrir al-Wataniyyeh al-Falastiniyyeh. The word "Fatah" means "conquest by means of jihad" (Islamic holy war as defined by the words and actions of Mohamet himself).

    If the Arab Palestinians were interested in peace it would keep to the original Faisal-Weizmann agreement of 1917, set as International Law in 1922. East of the river Jordan is Arab Palestine and West of the river Jordan belongs to Israel, with the eternal capital of Jerusalem. The most interesting thing of note in this early, legally-binding agreement is that the Arab, Faisal represents the Arabs and the Jewish Weizmann represents the Jews who are termed THE Palestinians. Were you aware that the original term for Jews was 'Palestinian?' The only lasting feature of this agreement is Article VI which states:

    The Mohommedan Holy Places shall be under Mohmmmedan control.

    At this point I must urge UKIP member to tell M(E)Ps that the UN calling for the Tomb of the Patriarchs to be a recognised as a mosque by UNESCO is wrong - it then becomes a Mohammedan holy site which is under Islamic control stripping the Jewish and Biblical history from it.

    If you are interested in signing the petition to object to UNESCO's decision, please do so and share:

    If you are interested in how the land of the collapsed Ottoman Empire was split, particularly in the case of Arabs and Jews, then a good, quick read but full of the original Agreements I recommend Chuck Morse

    The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism:Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin Al-Husseini

    It is also interesting to note that Jews cannot be citizens in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and are not welcome where the P.A considers the land Palestinian e.g. Hebron or Bethlehem (ironically), whereas the Jew and the stranger is welcome in Israel under one fair law for all (as with all Western democracies).

    Another informative book is History Upside Down by David Meir Levi Published by Brief Encounters.
